You can learn more about your performance on the platform by using our Tutorful app - you can find out how to do so here. Once you’ve logged in, you’ll just need to head to the more section in the bottom right corner. If you then click through to the performance tab, you’ll be able to see a variety of statistics on how you’ve done both within the last 90 days, and for your entire time with Tutorful!
In addition, if your profile is live on the site, you’ll be able to see your position in the search results for your top 10 subjects that you’ve taught on the site. It’s important to note that it can take up to 24 hours for the algorithm that determines our search results to fully refresh once you go live, so you may not see your position in the search results in the performance section immediately once you’ve gone live, however within a day, you’ll start to see where you are for the subjects you’ve taught the most in!