Tutors don’t actually pay a fee to use the platform. We’ve communicated this badly in the past and have confused people about how things actually work. The way that Tutorful makes money is by charging students a small fee for every lesson they book through us. We don’t charge tutors. Tutors set their own prices and then we add a small percentage on top which is charged to the student. This is called a service fee. New prices will be paid by the student, not tutors.

However, when you teach with us you get:

  • Access to our growing student population - a ready-made client base for you to tap into.
  • Hassle-free payments - we’ll manage and take the stress out of it.
  • Guaranteed payments - even if your student doesn’t pay, we’ll ensure you still get paid.
  • Cancellation payments - at the click of a button we can make sure you still get paid when lessons are cancelled, all without the need for an awkward conversation with your student.
  • Millions spent on marketing - every penny focused on bringing in new students to support your growing business.
  • An award-winning platform with an online classroom and state-of-the-art tools to recreate a classroom experience at home.
  • Recorded lessons that students can watch back for revision, and parents can watch to review the content.
  • Instant Booking so you can secure lessons with students instantly - at a time that suits you and them.