If you're a student looking to find out how much tuition costs through Tutorful, please have a look here for more information.
If you’re a tutor looking to find out what you could earn, keep reading.
For tutors, using Tutorful is completely free. You set your own hourly rate which the student pays.
Tutorful never takes a cut of what you earn. Instead, we add a percentage on top of what you charge your student. Our Service Fee is paid directly by the student to Tutorful and covers the cost of using the platform.
The service fee is our main source of revenue and we invest a large portion of it into bringing more and more new students to the platform. The service fee also allows us to keep developing the latest tools to enhance the learning experience for both tutors and students - like our Tutorful apps and the online classroom.
It’s a good idea to remember that, when you’re setting your fees, students will pay a bit more than that when the service fee is added on.