Tutorful is an online market place for tutors and students to meet - we help thousands of students and parents find suitable tutors each week.
Like any similar business where you're working on your own with clients, there will be a time when you'll be meeting new students for the first time. Whilst you don't need to be skeptical of everyone who contacts you, there are a few things you can do to help you stay safe. Here are our top tips for tutors:
Use the Tutorful Messaging System
Use the messaging system on the site to your full advantage. If you have any questions for the student be sure to ask via the messaging system and let us at Tutorful know if you have any concerns. While we'd love for every student and tutor relationship to be the perfect match, you don't have to book in a lesson if you don't feel confident about taking on the student. Just let the student know if you're unable to help.
We'd always advise keeping all of your contact with a student on the Tutorful platform, even after your lesson has been confirmed. This allows us at Tutorful to view any messages you may receive so we can step in and help if you need us to.
Let us Help
If you're still not confident or have any concerns, get in touch with us and we can give the student a call for you. We're always here to help! You can also report a student to us if something doesn't feel quite right. You can see how to report a student here.